Behold, He is Coming

Bobby –
“Behold, He is coming!”
“And behold, I am coming quickly.”
“Behold, I am coming quickly.”

“Surely, I am coming quickly.”
Behold, meaning, pay attention, or even, “HEY! Listen up, this is important.”
The Lord has made His home in our hearts. He has given us His Holy Spirit and become to us the God of all comfort, the author and finisher of our faith and our sure, sure reward. His promises are so sure that their fulfillment seem to come in advance of His arrival. But this place, destined for fire, contains these almost-former things: death, sorrow, crying and pain. All of creation groans and we groan too for the day when He will come and wipe away every tear from our eyes and bring to an end these things that are passing away. It is a marvelous promise, isn’t it? Let it sink in, please. “Behold, I am coming.”
The Christian life is lived by faith, not by sight. Our hearts beat for invisible things that are to become visible and our hope is in a Person who we cannot see right now, but who promises His worshippers that He is coming. Therefore, in light of His promise, let us put off the former things and continue to live today and everyday in the newness of life found in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Yours in Christ.
Further contemplation: He went into a far country to get His bride and returned to His Father’s house to prepare a room for us. Soon He will come back to get us. But THEN he is going to take us and present us to His Father. (Jude 24.)
Published in: on August 25, 2012 at 8:24 pm  Leave a Comment  

The Lord is my Shepherd

Davina –

Today I found this song and it filled me with joy. Psalm 23 is my favorite Psalm, it is refreshing for my soul. Jesus is so good and is our beloved Shepherd. Our Comforter, who leads his sheep to watered pastures. Too many times I fail to remember His loving touch, His kind direction, His gentle voice. I become that sheep that wanders a little too far from the Master but the most marvelous thing is that He never forgets me. His endless mercy follows me and will always lead me home. As I meditate on my Savior and how good He is to me, it makes me want to cry. Words cannot express how lovely He is. His face is so beautiful. His voice is so sweet. His touch is so soft. There is no where better to be than under His wings. I long for the day He will take me home to be with Him. When that day comes nothing will be able to separate me from His perfect love. For eternity I will worship and fall at the feet of my sweet Jesus.


You are my Love, You are my God, You are my Savior. It is You. It is You Jesus. Thank You Jesus. Thank you Jesus for dying on a tree for me. Thank You Jesus, thank You Jesus for saving me. You are my love, You are my God, You are my Savior. Thank You Jesus for saving me.


Lord You gave me more than I deserve. Lord You love me more than I can love. Lord You are my Provider, my Savior, my one and only God. Lord you are, my Father, my Jesus, my one and only Love. My precious Jesus you died and set me free. And I just want to praise you! And I just want to love You, and I just want to praise You. I give my life to You. Oh, thank you Jesus.

Published in: on August 14, 2012 at 7:45 pm  Leave a Comment  
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